Ogre3D Forums - Traditional Style

Added by Betajaen@userstyles, Created: Dec 23, 2008, Updated: Dec 25, 2008
No screenshot


This moves the avatar/names in the default phpBB3 style to the left as in phpBB2 for the forums at Ogre3D.org

0.1 - Initial Release
0.2 - Made the post profile text a tiny bit smaller, the links a tiny bit bigger and more margin spaces with the images. The online banner has also been moved to the left.
0.3 - Made it easier to see what are new the posts and replies in forum topics and the topic page itself.
0.4 - Added a red highlight to a post which you created around your name, when you see it in a topic listing (unfortunately, due to CSS not having an ancestor selector, I cannot highlight the entire row).

Applies to:

Related styles:

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