Improve admin interface

Added by Hans Norman@userstyles, Created: Dec 26, 2008, Updated: Dec 27, 2008
With the style applied


When the newly redesigned dashboard arrived at in December 2008, it bought with it a radical and decent design, dripping with snazzy Javascript and what have you. This is all very well, but unfortunately there were a couple of things that irritated me, and probably numerous others.

First off, the typography. Whilst the home page and associated paraphanalia uses Lucida Sans Unicode when Lucida Grande is not present, we Windows users are now stuck with Verdana. This style seeks to address this – now, you can look at the "dashboard" and be annoyed by the Lucida in the top toolbar and the out-of-place Verdana elsewhere.

Also, this style gets rid of the silly little stats smiley face at the bottom of the page.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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