Google Calendar ("Slate Series")

Added by Weishun@userstyles, Created: Nov 24, 2006, Updated: Jan 31, 2007
With the style applied


Number five in the Google Slate Series.

I wasn't going to post this 'til I finished it but it looks like that may not be for awhile so I'm posting it "as is". IMNSHO, it's still better than the original.

As usual, LouCypher's show/hide Sidebar's incorporated. He really ought to sell that to Google. 8-þ

If anyone wants to work on the "to do" list or add to it, here it is:
Correct calendar width.
Correct font size and input areas backgrounds in "event details", "Settings" and "Search Options".
Correct iframe background in "Settings > Import Calendar".
Reposition or remove redundant "Back to Calendar Save Cancel" in "Settings" and "event details".
Organize the code.

Updated 1/31/07 Caught up with Google's change to the "Corner Bookmarks", corrected a couple of the backgrounds and incorporated a slightly modified version of sewpafly's "Hide Appbar" modification.

Applies to:,

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