Lifehacker Comment Indention

Added by amoose136@userstyles, Created: Jan 01, 2009, Updated: Aug 01, 2009
With the style applied


Moves the reply comments over when expanded. I wrote this style sheet because it's almost impossible to tell when the replies begin or end.

Update (7/31/09):
Fixed again for the new layout. There are now comments in the CSS. This style can be loaded as a userscript into the developer version of chrome. There are now shadow borders around the comments.

Update (3/13/09):
Shortly after the last update stylish updated and dropped use of "offset."
I have fixed by going back to using padding and by changing the overflow setting.

Update (2/2/09):
Fixed the comment cutoff ugliness. You will need to tell stylish to "use code as is" because the style now uses "offset" instead of "padding-left." Sorry about the inconvenience.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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