Telepolis - Cleanup interface

Added by jpr@userstyles, Created: Jan 17, 2009, Updated: Aug 09, 2009
With the style applied


This Style relies on Heise online – Retro, without Schnickschnack for making the basic removal of unwanted columns and Ads, ao it does not provide any means for removing those.

It adds a general cleanup of the Telepolis UI by removing all unnecessary Sidecolums and improving on Text contrast and -size.
Both normal entries, as well as the "TP Blogs" are covered, so a consistent interface is provided.

[Update 20090809] Adapted to new Style changes in Heise online – Retro, without Schnickschnack: Now also shows the comments in the "TP Blogs" Section again and has the background back to white.
Install Style

First install FreeStyler to use this style.

If you already installed it, please, make sure this site is allowed to run JavaScript.
MS Edge doesn’t support add-ons at the moment, so FreeStyler is unavailable for it.

But you can download Freestyler for other browsers and apply styles there!

Applies to:

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