NPR Goes Dark - v1.3.13

Added by MSalmo@userstyles, Created: Dec 05, 2014, Updated: Nov 05, 2015
  • With the style applied
  • Comments section.
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)


A simple dark theme for NPR.

More info
Note: This is highly unoptimized and needs further work to make it more lightweight. Please let me know of any bugs or missed elements on the site below.

Things that are known to work:
- NPR's main site
- NPR's topic sites (U.S., World, Tech, Science, etc.)

Things that mostly work:
- NPR's blog sites (The Two Way, etc.)

-- Version 1.3.13 Release (Nov 05, 2015) --
Bug fixes:
- List items should display fine now.
- Related stories sidebar improvements.

-- Version 1.3.12 Release (Nov 04, 2015) --

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the header not displaying in the correct colors.
- Fixed Trending and search button background and text as well.

-- Version 1.3.11 Release (Nov 02, 2015) --

Whoops. Can't let this fall by the wayside. Optimizations to REALLY come next patch.

Bug Fixes:
-New elements to the NPR website broke the style, so I went ahead and fixed it. Please post any issues here if there's something I missed.
-Fixed the background remaining white.

-- Version 1.3.0 Release (Jan 27, 2015) --
Optimization to come next patch.

Bug Fixes:
- Cleaned up the footer on the main page so that it fits with the theme.
- Some posts had large white rectangles which cut into the image. Those turned out to be borders from the story text and were removed. As a result, I've moved the story text down a bit so that it isn't overlapping with the image.

-- Version 1.2.1 Release (Dec 09 2014) --
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed accidental regression caused by working on this from a different machine.

-- Version 1.2 Release (Dec 09, 2014) --
Bug Fixes:
- Comments should appear now.

-- Version 1.1 Release --
New Features:
- Added CSS for the "Don't Miss" and "From NPR News" sections on the right.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed the page for the new layout.

-- Version 1.0 Release --

Applies to:,,

Related styles:

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