This style was deleted by its author, eidylon@userstyles

eidylon@userstyles deleted this style

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Added by eidylon@userstyles, Created: Jan 30, 2009, Updated: May 04, 2009
No screenshot


my updates to the Flock feed reader page;

hides feed logo in header;
shrinks header by about 20px;
fixes header position, so it doesn't scroll out of view;
hides all images in read posts;
hides "blog this" and "digg" buttons on individual posts;

greys-out all read posts, to make it easier to find unread posts;

200902.02 - fixed problem with height of content area not showing all items;
200902.13 - added hover-effects to posts, to make them easier to visualize;
200902.24 - adjusted height of content area to fill the page on my screen (1400 x 1050)
200902.26 - made so that read posts will only show the header (title, date) and footer (viewed/save/email commands); the body of the post will show when the mouse is over the post; unread posts display full content;

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