Gmail2: Custom Colors For "Planets" Theme

Added by y-rene@userstyles, Created: Feb 01, 2009, Updated: Feb 02, 2009
With the style applied


This style changes the colors for certain Gmail elements. The colors were chosen to look nice when used with the "Planets" theme available in the settings of Gmail itself.
1. toned-down the color of the links
2. a dark blue-grey highlight when mousing over links in the left-navigation panel
3. a dark blue border for the rows in the message list
4. a dark blue-grey highlight when mousing over the messages in the message list
5. a bright blue row color for unread messages in the message list
6. a bright green row color for selected messages in the message list

Hope you like the style! All color choices can be changed of course. Feedback very welcome!

Sorry I did not keep track of all the snips of code I borrowed from SO MANY different styles; but thank you to all of you!

Applies to:

Related styles:

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