Google Search - Material Design

Added by ImminentFate@userstyles, Created: Jan 25, 2015, Updated: Jun 01, 2016
With the style applied


Material Google Search Results, based on the concept design by Aurélien Salomon (

More info
1.0 - Initial Release
1.1 - Fixed Result Stats location overlapping UI elements when signed into google.
- Fixed Search Tools display becoming too large on mouseover
1.2 - Fixed issues caused by Google changing it's website layout. - Dammit Google!
2.0 - Rewrote the style completely because Google changed it's layout - again.
- Supports Chrome properly as well as Firefox.
2.1 - Fixed layout due to Google changes again, styled more parts of the search results including the footer and navbar.

NOTE: Requires Roboto font to be installed to look its best, but is fully functional with default sans-serif fonts. You can get the Roboto font from here:

Important Note: Designed to work with widescreen formats (e.g. 1366x768p, 1920x1080p) - if the style appears to be broken (search bar moves to the top, results get hidden, etc.), try making your browser window wider or zoom out on the page.

Applies to:
CC0 1.0 Universal.
ImminentFate@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Google Search - Material Design, to the extent allowed by law.

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