PremierLeaguePass - Compact

Added by pete_nz@userstyles, Created: Feb 01, 2015, Updated: Apr 12, 2015
With the style applied

Description: is a site for watching TV coverage of English Premier League football games.
This userStyle compacts the layout of the PremierLeaguePass homepage, to make it more useable on a TV screen, and to remove the need for scrolling. It also hides elements that contain little, useless, or duplicated information.

More info
v001 : 1st Feb 2015 : Initial script for PLP homepage. Not tuned for other pages.
v002 : 4th Apr 2015 : Added styles to better differenciate WATCH RECAP / LIVE NOW / UPCOMING headings
v003 : 10th Apr 2015 : My Dad was having trouble reading the teams from the couch, so I made the text larger; changed grey text colour for darker; and changed UPPERCASE for Capital Case.

keywords: premierleague soccer premiere premier league pass football footy plp

Applies to:

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