Gmail - Large Labels and Move To menus

Added by ivand87@userstyles, Created: Feb 03, 2009, Updated: Mar 06, 2009
With the style applied


In February of 2009, Gmail introduced new style buttons and new "Labels" and "Move To" menus that lets you apply multiple labels faster and label and archive e-mails with just 2 clicks. The maximum height of these menus is 200 pixels, so if you use a lot of labels you have to scroll down the list. This script changes that maximum height to 500 pixels, making it faster to apply labels to e-mails if you use a lot of labels.

More info on this new feature here: downs-autocomplete

R.I.P. Scrollbars!

Updated March 6th, 2009 - CSS code changed in Gmail... Should be fine now.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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