
Added by seputrodimas@userstyles, Created: Feb 19, 2015, Updated: Aug 21, 2015
With the style applied


1CAK alternative css.
Masih eksperimental.
Coeg Kalian Kabeh.

More info
Bagi agan2 yg udah install 1CAG versi lama, tolong dihapus dulu, lalu install versi yg baru.
CSS Ini cuman buat penggunaan pribadi, ane tidak ada maksud merugikan pihak admin 1cak / wancaker.
fix FB comment css dan table border
Salam CoegFist.

Release Date :
Ver 1.0 Feb 19, 2015
Ver 1.1 Feb 23, 2015
Ver 1.2 Aug 05, 2015
Ver 1.3 Aug 22, 2015

Applies to:

Related styles:

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