AgeOfOrion - Futuristic

Added by edvordo@userstyles, Created: Feb 27, 2015, Updated: Mar 19, 2015
  • With the style applied
  • For 1024x768 resolution
Chat/log location


Visual rework of text based progression game called Age of Orion.

More info

A big thanks goes to these people ( in-game names ):
Rinai - beta tester
Dagnarille - suggestion to make option about chat/log locaton
Wicky - screen resolution update

Zen & Svennson - for making an awesome game

v1.0 . initial release
v1.1 - chat/log position
v1.2 - make it work on urls starting with www ... why admins, why ?
v1.3 - the style now takes into account various screen resolutions. Thx Wicky :)

Applies to:,

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