Gmail / Google Apps Login - Minimized Design

Added by yokhannan@userstyles, Created: Feb 07, 2009, Updated: Feb 08, 2009
With the style applied


This is an edited version of ( Gmail logon - minimized ) at ( Gmail logon - minimized ) except this version works for Google Apps login pages.

This is my first attempt at a userstyle, so if it does not work for you... I'm very very sorry!!! (really) I built this because I hate looking at all the text on the log in page EVERY FREAKING time I log into the website (which is about a bazillion times a week). Sad shame Google cannot make us have our own custom log in page without having to hack up their own website just to have a clean website. Like I really want everybody in my company to have to look at all that crap text every time they want to log in too. Sigh, come on Google.

Anyway, please post a comment if this does not work for you, or if you have any suggestions/fixes. I am not exactly a CSS master - or even close. Took me about an hour to hack this together LOL. I will try my best to fix anything that does not work for you... but no promises.

**** Update: 2/8/2009

Applies to:

Related styles:

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