MK // Yahoo! Fantasy Baseball '09

Added by straightcash@userstyles, Created: Feb 11, 2009, Updated: Apr 12, 2009
With the style applied


This style makes several changes to the Yahoo! Fantasy Baseball 2009:

-- The "League Notes" section is moved to the bottom of the page, which in turn brings the "League Standings" table to the top.
-- Many of the links have been restyled (in particular, the navigation and standings links).
-- The "Fantasy" fly-out menu has been shifted to the left; on screens with lower resolutions, it would open off the right of the screen.
-- The poorly-placed first link on the nav bar ("Baseball '09") has been removed so that the "League" homepage button comes first.
-- Highlights your team in the "League Standings" table in light yellow rather than light gray, which barely stands out at all.
-- Many other minor changes which are too numerous to mention.

(This is an overhaul of my Yahoo! Fantasy Sports - Minor improvements style from 2008.)

Check back for updates and please feel free to leave feedback.

Update (4-7-09): Fixed the front page so the Standings table doesn't keep moving up and down.
Update (4-9-09): C

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