This style was deleted by its author, RawIsWar@userstyles

RawIsWar@userstyles deleted this style

Try Google Hestia (Anime) version instead of this deleted style.

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Google Reader - Compact, Clean & Tweaked

Added by RawIsWar@userstyles, Created: Mar 17, 2009, Updated: Apr 03, 2009
With the style applied


This is a mashup of a number of userstyles that I have been using over a period of time. I think it is almost perfect but there is no doubt room for improvement. Having tried a lot of styles I find this perfect for my own taste.

I actually use it with Mozilla Prism which allows Stylish to be installed as an addon giving you all the Stylish goodness in a WebApp.
Some people might not like the fact I removed the action bar and dialogs. Please feel free to unhide them if you want to.

The screenshot is cropped to get it under the required size for posting.

All credit goes to the original authors. I just mashed it up. Enjoy!

****UPDATE***** Slight change to show item footer action details on hover

Applies to:,,,

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