Snapzu Dark Theme -- Scrolling User Bar Restored

Added by ithilin@userstyles, Created: Jun 13, 2015, Updated: Jun 15, 2015
With the style applied


This is a version that's updated alongside my other theme for Snapzu, except this is with the scrolling 'user bar' restored rather than removed.

More info
0.1 - Magazine view now supported, and a few style fixes.

0.2 - Fixed usernames to be more readable and changed username color and font styles for moderators and ops. Various other small fixes, such as 'bar activity graphs' that weren't displaying properly before.

0.3 - Everything should be uniform now. If there is anything missing I'll update it when I can.

0.4 - Various style fixes. Should look a lot better now

Applies to:,

Related styles: