MMO-Champion - Remove Ads

Added by Mikeyrocks@userstyles, Created: Mar 23, 2009, Updated: May 05, 2009
With the style applied


I noticed that I couldn't find any ad removal scripts or styles for so I went ahead and made my own. This removes the ads on the very top header, the left navigation bar, and the ad by the latest news/comments and forums posts area.

Here's an after screenshot (due to the limit on size on userstyles):

*UPDATE: I've noticed that some ads by the lastest news/forums still pop up from time to time, trying to work out the kinks for that. So far, I made a small update to fix more of that.
*UPDATE 2: I noticed that some wowhead links in certain posts were not working, so I went ahead and fixed that.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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