Gnusocial and Quitter Dark

Added by stbinan@userstyles, Created: Jul 06, 2015, Updated: Apr 19, 2017
  • With the style applied
  • Gnusocial Classic
Page Container Alpha Value (Between 0 to 1)
Color Font
Background Color


Dark theme for and For other gnusocial pod, you can try to change the url and logo background at the top of the stylesheet. Also the modified logo images are hosted on imgur, you may like to download it and transfer to other hosts.

Other people may set a dark font theme and bright background, if you want to overwrite their settings, you can add this style:

Advices are welcome ;)

More info
/* 110417 */
Add support to Gnusocial Classic, logo is removed because I'm too lazy to modify it :P

/* 060417 */
Remove most customizable options, please use "search and replace" in your fav text editor instead.

/* ??? */
Add support for instance

/* 090915 */
Add options to customize color theme

/* 070715 */

Delete options for background color and link color because they can be customized by setting Profile.

Applies to:, More »

Related styles:

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