Google - Compact and Keyword-Highlight(优化加关键字高亮)

Added by hzhbest@userstyles, Created: Apr 09, 2009, Updated: Mar 17, 2014
  • With the style applied
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)


The style intends for moderate compact layout with more readability and keyword highlight. It covers most common google search pages. It also hides some space-wasting Google logoes. I added more for better visual effect.

*This style is effective on the following Google search pages in major languages: web, images, video, maps, news, groups, books, blogs and dictionary and even some other pages using the same layout. It also contains codes for Google Translate.

本样式使 Google 的主要搜索页面格局更紧凑,可读性更强,而且为关键字添加高亮,可以让使用者更集中精神于 Google 提供的服务并且使用起来更舒适。

*此样式应用于主要语言版本的 Google 站点,对如下搜索页面有效:网页、图片、视频、地图、资讯、图书、博客和字典,甚至其他使用相同格局的网页。

More info
如果你想要 百度 的,请到
如果你想要 有道 的,请到

2010.05.08 For the new Google design which is finally a step-forward.
2010.05.13 Move related search keyword to left-bottom corner, and some small fixes.
2010.05.16 Add an option in code to move related search keyword to right-bottom corner.
2010.05.19 Improve the feature introduced in the previous update.
2010.06.17 Unify the style in Maps.
2010.06.22 Improve "Latest" support.
2010.07.24 Google Image changes a lot.
2010.11.19 By default "Related search keyword" is placed at the bottom, activated (pop out) by hovering over the bottom-left "Related search to ..." text; in code there are options to place this to the bottom-left corner or bottom-right corner.
2011.02.17 Google changes a bit.
2011.03.24 Update Google Image styles, new blue background style.
2011.03.29 Add a bit fine-tune and remove a tone of out-dated code.
2011.04.08 Fix Google image (or Google changed it again).
2011.04.22 Update Google special results selectors.
2011.04.27 Small tweaks.
2011.06.29 Google changes .com and a lot.
2011.07.01 Ditto.
2011.07.29 Oh my Google!(fix some mess in Google image; hope Firefox6 come out soon)
2011.08.15 Fix for wide window view.
2011.09.18 Google's useless bar fix.
2011.12.16 For Firefox8 and beyond.
2012.02.13 Refine result title.
2012.02.24 Google's page layout coding logic, is Google lost or am I lost?
2012.04.25 Google changes a bit.
2012.10.15 Google changes a bit.
2013.10.09 Google changes a bit.
2014.03.18 Google changes a bit.

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CC0 1.0 Universal.
hzhbest@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Google - Compact and Keyword-Highlight(优化加关键字高亮), to the extent allowed by law.

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