Clean Google

Added by t500yo@userstyles, Created: Apr 10, 2009, Updated: Jul 21, 2009
With the style applied


This is a very clean google layout. Just check the after pic..
Modify as you prefer, but please leave the /* By ... */ line intact if you wish to post the modified userstyle. Oh, and if some things are to width(eg. the buttons on googles main page), go to the lower /*Edit this*/ and modify the value. (it's written on a 15,4 inch screen...)

Edit: A new stylish so a few changes needed to be made. And of course a few 'bugs' are fixed... I'm still no prof, and the google webpages have a screwed html layout. (gosh, cant they use the same html elements for the same shit on every page..?)
Edit : Now all the login account pages are the same

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