Myspace - Simplified (minus ads)

Added by quodlibetor@userstyles, Created: Jan 22, 2007, Updated: May 23, 2007
With the style applied


I used (and liked) Myspace - Simplified but i wanted a couple things different, so i changed them. Every change is documented in the code, you can change them back pretty easily.

List of changes:

removed "cool new videos" from the home page, because face it, they're not. (5/23/07)

Re-integrate "Hello Yourname!" and made header backgrounds light gray so they stick out a little. Improved compatibility with a couple greasemonkey scripts (most notably add image links 2 -- which is highly recommended) (3/19/07)
I re-integrated the nav bar but added the ability to select which links appear in it (2/17/07)
Signout button exists (on top right)
Search bar exists (with no links)
All(?) homepage ads are now blocked without the need for another extension.
The generic topnav bar DOESN'T exist, because i never use it when i'm on my homepage except to click the search button (but it is very easy to add back in if you want, even if you have never touched css before i'm pretty sure you could figure

Applies to:,

Related styles:

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