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Deep Dark FFGS
Installs:Created: Nov 27, 2015Last Updated: Dec 14, 2016 -
Created: Mar 26, 2015Last Updated: Mar 26, 2015
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Dark-Dark Robot
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This is my style for forums, an attempt at making all the elements of pages dark.
Although it's already released, use style on your own peril.
[1.6.5] Another bunch of fixes.
[1.6.4] Fixed the styles after design changes.
[1.6.3] More custom page style improvements.
[1.6.2] Fixed the rules page.
[1.6.1] Changed the color of the [Back] button.
[1.6.0] Updated the style of ~/tops.
[1.5.22] Removed a border in the floating header menu.
[1.5.21] Raised the header menu above other elements.
[1.5.20] Keeping up with updates.
[1.5.19] Overcoming the laziness, remove more unneeded borders.
[1.5.18] Remove suddenly appeared white (!) 1px (!!) border (!!!) of some elements.
[1.5.17] Make links in the chat actually readable.
[1.5.16] Set margin of the profile photo.
[1.5.15] Fixed vanishing of images with "off.png" or "on.png" in theirs paths.
[1.5.14] An unexpected element came. And gone happily now.
[1.5.13] Why admins can't make their pages look nice and clean?
[1.5.12] Fixed width of active category link in user list.
[1.5.11] Added featured message background (was same as the content div background)
[1.5.10] Messages.*
[1.5.9] First steps in replacing dark colors on dark background.
[1.5.8] Just Bootstrap.
[1.5.7] Fixed [il], changed colors of unspecific message.
[1.5.6] Changed look of [code] in editor.
[1.5.5] Opacity transition for IP, shadows for posts.
[1.5.4] Added transition to .pages and shoutbox resizer, changed look of [il].
[1.5.3] Fixed post controls buttons.
[1.5.0] Shadows, syntax highlight, search bar and more-more-more. +400 lines.
[1.4.19] Changed transition for NavBar items.
[1.4.18] Shadows, transitions, and some monitoring redesign.
[1.4.17] Added alternate loader, made it default and created an option for choosing type.
[1.4.16] Added animation to the AJAX In-Progress indicator.
[1.4.15] Fixed file list colors.
[1.4.14] Fixed tags.
[1.4.13] Some shadows and fixes.
[1.4.12] Changed colors of seletion.
[1.4.11] Fixed mini pagination.
[1.5.3] Fixed tray mouse over button behaviour.
[1.5.2] Fixed some bugs.
[1.5.1] Polished tray chat, fixed tab chat.
[1.5.0] BOO! New plugin, CometChat, is installed, writing style for it. Made its tray look not so bad as it was. But still needs to be polished.
[1.4.10a] NavBar fixes.
[1.4.10] NavBar fixes.
[1.4.9] Tweaked Preview block
[1.4.8] Made VCard control buttons black.
[1.4.7] Changed background color of private entries in blogs.
[1.4.6] (×) popup close button.
[1.4.5] Done with pagination.
[1.4.4] Swapped RPC buttons.
[1.4.3] Small rep counter in user list was broken.
[1.4.2] Fixed small bug ;)
[1.4.1] Sync with update.
[1.4.0] WARNING!!! Proper work now only guaranteed when using "Good Bad People" Greasemonkey script!! Get it
[1.3.14] Added bottom margin for "TS" badge.
[1.3.13] Recolored tabs.
[1.3.12] Replaced "hide" icon.
[1.3.11] NavBar Buttons now have proper color... Finally.
[1.3.10] Moved Info/Error/Warn/Success Boxes icons and shadows.
[1.3.9] Some tweaking with indicators.
[1.3.8] "Following" Popup was white.
[1.3.7] 1000 lines o' code!
[1.3.7] Cake is now vanished.
[1.3.7] Some minor changes.
[1.3.6] Tweaked IPS Badges & progress bars.
[1.3.5] Made chat users indicator rounded.
[1.3.4] Changes in Info/Error/Success/Warn Boxes. Made background picture for them. Also shadows are tweaked now.
[1.3.3] Some minor changes.
[1.3.2] Made total PMs in folder indicators rounded.
[1.3.1] Redesigned huge progress bars.
[1.3.0] Huge changes in post editor.
[1.3.0] Info, Error, Success and Warn Boxes are now dark and flat.
[1.3.0] Some tweaks with PrettyCode.
[1.2.2] IP is now only visible if mouse hovers over the heading.
[1.2.1] Moved and tweaked "Popular Post" info box.
[1.2.0] Tags now made without any images. Also they're dark and nice.
[1.2.0] Redesigned (×) button in Reputation Log Window.
[1.2.0] Some tweaking with paddings.
[1.2.0] A lots of other small changes.
[1.1.2] Tweaked VCard a bit.
[1.1.1] Fixed profile "About me" block.
[1.1.0] Fixed VCards.
[1.0.2] Made images background opaque.
[1.0.1] Fixed h1 @
[1.0.0] Redesigned
Fixed problems with bootstrap's tables.
Redesigned ~/tops/
Fixed some broken elements.
Added bottom border to container.
Fixed featured blog posts.
"Problem Solved" posts are now dark-green.
Entry post now has green left dotted border.
First install FreeStyler to use this style.
If you already installed it, please, make sure this site is allowed to run JavaScript.But you can download Freestyler for other browsers and apply styles there!
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