NovelsNao Dark Transparent theme

Added by Chronos Nemo@userstyles, Created: Nov 07, 2015, Updated: Mar 07, 2016
With the style applied


A quick restyling for

Novelsnao's design has been tweaked again. I've temporarily replaced everything with an ugly fix. I intend to make a real update by March 9th, 2016 11PM CST.

If there are problems with the style please send emails to my email.

More info
Most Recent update: January 22, 2016

Update Notes:
February 6, 2016
  • Changed background image host
  • Tweaked the main navigation background.
  • Added options to the style
January 22, 2016
  • CSS reorganized for better readability.
  • CSS was tweaked to fix things that were missed

Applies to:

Related styles:

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