This style was deleted by the site moderator

(admin) deleted this style because of "site no longer exists."

Try Google Hestia (Anime) version instead of this deleted style.

See more styles for Google

Greader Redesigned - Add to Google

Added by krisu@userstyles, Created: May 14, 2009, Updated: May 15, 2009
No screenshot


More simple and beautiful "Add to Google" page that's fits to Greader Redesigned userstyle ( You don't need Greader Redesigned, if you don't want to use that.

This userstyle hides all unnecessary and leaves only background.

To use this, you have to install "Auto add to Google Reader" userscript (

Inspiration from these userstyles: by Modanchor@userstyles & by sleepysafe@userstyles

-- Updates --

15.5.2009 - Userstyle released

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