Google Auto Pager with changed font color

Added by takamiz@userstyles, Created: Feb 10, 2007, Updated: Apr 19, 2007
With the style applied


[Add comment on April 19th, 2007]
First of all, I made a mistake to name for this css. This is NOT for Google Auto Pager but is for Googlesearchstyle, Greasemonkey script. When you use the script with Google Auto Pager, there is the warning between the first and second 10 results. This css includes the css so that the warning isn't displayed.

Now, I'm using Google Search Static Topbar, Greasemonkey script, instead of Googlesearchstyle. This one has similar function to Googlesearchstyle.

Original Introduction
Therefore, if you mind to use additional length of css, please erase "P[style="border:50px....."]" to "{display:none;}," which is to erase the warning part.

This erases the alert text "Not Found" between the first 10 results and the next 10 results; it appears when you use Google Auto Pager. It's annoying for me at least; that's why I wrote this css.

This also changes font and background color on result page like t

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