This style was deleted by its author, NiGHTS@userstyles

NiGHTS@userstyles deleted this style

Try Blueberry for instead of this deleted style.

See other styles

GT Forums Lite

Added by NiGHTS@userstyles, Created: Jun 07, 2009, Updated: Jun 08, 2009
No screenshot


Changes done:
* Removed numerous banners at the top and bottom. (Don't know why)
* Removed the use of custom colors. While the BBcode will still be in the posts, the colors displayed will always be the default one (black).
* Removed the Userinfo background (The blue, silver and golden one).
* Removed the post backgrounds.
* Changed the location of Quote, Report and Edit as well as edited the location and background of This user is banned.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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