eBay: Fix <font> tags (Updated: 2007.03.05)

Added by OldUncleMe@userstyles, Created: Feb 28, 2007, Updated: Jul 06, 2007
With the style applied


A lot of eBay pages written by users display very odd font sizes. This sets all tags to use a given size, here it's 11pt. You can change this in a heart beat.

Note that eBay's pages size fonts with css contained in tags or elsewhere, but without using tags, so this should only work to make readable the user-written sections of pages served by ebay.com without affecting eBay's parts of the page.

Update handles header 1, 2, 3 in a sane fashion. Kills tags, eeew! more scrolling nonsense while I'm trying to spend some money. Also deals with and

in a reasonable way.

As always, corrections based on countering BAD STYLES that I have encountered in common use!

Updated 2007.07.06:
Fixed issue -- brace out of place somehow pushed css into global scope.
Added paragraph-width restriction: It's really hard to read very long lines of text


Applies to:
ebay.com, http://cgi.ebay.com/*

Related styles:

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