Simple Sajha

Added by dekchidriver@userstyles, Created: Jun 22, 2009, Updated: Jul 30, 2009
With the style applied


So this style basically removes most of the ads from homepage. It also makes it simpler, focusing just on the forums and thought box, bringing useful information to your notice. If I missed out any ads please let me know on my forum I'd be more than happy to fix it for you!

I've removed the picture from the thread page because, frankly, its really displeasing... so bear with that :D Hope you like it. Would love to hear your comments.

If you like it, spread the word.

heres a screenshot:

UPDATED: 25th June 2009

Version: 1.1
*fixed the thoughts div
*slammed a couple of new ads into oblivion, like sajhatube, wtf is that?
*they have a new business section, I slammed that shut as well.
-create new colorscheme for sajha
-edit fonts and tables to make it even more 'spacier'

Version 1.0

*Removes ALL ads from
*Shows only two columns on

Applies to:

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