This style was deleted by its author, gamerX1011@userstyles

gamerX1011@userstyles deleted this style

Try IGN Boards (XenForo) - Always show page links instead of this deleted style.

See other styles

IGN Boards - Arrondi

Added by gamerX1011@userstyles, Created: Jul 07, 2009, Updated: Aug 07, 2009
No screenshot


Changes the board layout to a smaller, rounder version. Based on IGN Boards Stylesheet by Mike Piontek and lednerg's Bluetex, many thanks.

Rounded corners, shadows, and poll bevel will only work on higher versions of Firefox (developed on FF 3.5). Images are now hardcoded into the style with data URIs, reduces number of requests. Uses quite a few CSS3 techniques along with proprietary Firefox stuff. As far as CSS effects go, this stylesheet's effects are rather costly to implement. Intended for wider screens (developed on a 1440 x 900 screen).

Official style of the Vesti Tools script.

Update - 7/8/09 (hey, 7, 8, 9) - Fixed a bug that made vesti tools lag, tweaked quotes. For some reason, it does not like sibling selectors at all.
Update 2 - 8/6/09 - Got rid of the bulging effect for TDs, too costly

Applies to:,,

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