zf.ro - remove ads, improve readability

Added by Radu@userstyles, Created: Jul 08, 2009, Updated: May 25, 2012
With the style applied


This style removes most of the ads displayed on the site http://www.zf.ro, increases the layout width to 1400px and fonts to 16px.

The end result is a quite dramatic improvement in the site's readability which should be its focus, since it is a newspaper site.

Only works for the article view, homepage is catastrophically broken for now.

[NEWS May 26, 2012]
* more garbage removed

[NEWS December 19, 2009]
* Updated line-height for article title
* Tweaked in-article image display

[NEWS September 25, 2009]
* Updated some rules for ad removal

Applies to:

Related styles:

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