Underline links and always indicate visited links

Added by Richard Mlynarik@userstyles, Created: Jul 16, 2009, Updated: Jul 17, 2009
With the style applied


Always underline links, indicating the presence of clickable text regardless
of the say-so of a site's Web Design Professionals.

Always dashed-underline visited links, despite the the some sites attempts
to suppress this user-informative annotation.

"text-line-style: dotted" does not appear to work for the visited link annotation,
so instead this uses "border-bottom: 2px dotted" for visited links.

For those of who have been forced to give up on browser.display.use_document_colors,
but still believe that it's *my* browser and should display information of interest
to me, not what some css monkey decides.

Applies to:
http://, https://

Related styles:

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