Toodledo For All

Added by Rich_A@userstyles, Created: Jul 16, 2009, Updated: Oct 16, 2009
With the style applied


This is a style where I have taken bits and pieces from Vintom's work, as well as some of Nonimage to try to fit as much as possible in TD.

. Remove subtask line and place icon next to last child task
. Move subtasks further to right for better visibility
. Add dotted line between Parent tasks for better visibility
. Remove text from sidebar and minimize it so that you can still access options by settings, and always keep it open
. Priority highlighting (vintom)
. Lighter font color for unused fields
. Adjustable context settings (use i=# pattern in url on context page)
. Expand window full size (fluid by nonimage)
. Minimize goal and folder entries so that they appear only on mouseover (save space on screen, but still allows ability to control)
. Number next to each tab showing shortcut

I currently have the following order set for my list:
Folder | Priority | Title | Context | Due Date | Repeat | Length | Tag and with the Folder minimized, they all fit o

Applies to:,

Related styles:

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