This style was deleted by its author, Ron A.@userstyles

Ron A.@userstyles deleted this style

Try Twitter - Remove "Top" Box instead of this deleted style.

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Twitter (Old) - Hide Whom?

Added by Ron A.@userstyles, Created: Jul 26, 2009, Updated: Jul 27, 2009
No screenshot


Certain media outlets* I follow on Twitter won't stop tweeting about certain current events**, so I searched for a way to hide their posts without having to remove them from my feed. (I plan to read those feeds again once the punditry has passed.) Luckily, I found Vitor Peres's "boon to Twitter sanity" -- the userscript Now Shoosh!*** -- which did the trick nearly perfectly.

While Shoosh's option did help, it was still limited by the Greasemonkey application. Greasemonkey applies its scripts last, after a page has loaded -- I ended up briefly seeing those annoying tweets (squawks?) before they were hidden. That four-second delay (your purgatory may vary) frustrated me, so I wrote this style because, as we know, wonderful Stylish applies its effects AS a page loads, not afterward.

Enjoy your avoidance! (Instructions are included in the code.)

*Okay, the Cambridge Chronicle.
**Okay, "Gatesgate".
***Try it here:

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