Justin.tv PLAYER ONLY [August 2009] - by BaGE87

Added by BaGE87@userstyles, Created: Aug 26, 2009, Updated: Aug 27, 2009
With the style applied


This hides everything but the player, content status tabs, action links and stats, even the annoying meebo toolbar (the bottom toolbar).

Just a note: none of css styles will increase performance, elements are loaded but hided.
To avoid loading the chat room, for example, use blocking-element extensions line Adblock Plus or QuickJava, all of them for Firefox. This would increase performance depending of your system and bandwidth.

This style as been tested only in Firefox, but almost nobody who uses Internet Explorer install extensions =]

THIS STYLE WITH THE CHAT FRAME AT: Justin.tv PLAYER & CHAT [August 2009] - by BaGE87

Applies to:

Related styles:

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