Gmail - Slim Sidebar (Fixed)

Added by blooo@userstyles, Created: Oct 02, 2009, Updated: Sep 09, 2010
With the style applied
Choose the sidebar width



NOW COMPATIBLE WITH THE NEW GMAIL(2010/9/9). Sorry for being late!


Get slimmer navigation menus on the sidebar of Gmail.

This style makes the sidebar fixed; You can make use of the menus even when scrolled down, but if the sidebar is vertically long, you will have some problem because of it. So, if you don't like the "fixing" function and only need slimmer Gmail, try this(recommended):
*Gmail - Slim Sidebar (Normal): Gmail - Slim Sidebar (Normal)

You are recommended to install this style also:
*Gmail - Simple Header: Gmail - Simple Header

*Now compatible with the new Gmail.
*Fixed a shifting bug on Setting page. (Thanks mandy.z!)
*Fixed a bad look bug on Setting>Web Clip page.

Applies to:,

Related styles:

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