Flashes on Newgrounds at Full Screen (100%)

Added by Szeety@userstyles, Created: Apr 13, 2007, Updated: Feb 10, 2008
No screenshot


Just a short but efficient style to able to watch Flash games or movies on www.newgrounds.com without ads and at the full size of the window.

To open a flash at full-screen with this style, click on the Pop-up link in the movie/game page and in the opened window, press F11 before clicking on the flash. To exit, click on the windows keyboard button, then right-click on the firefox task in the taskbar which the flash page is opened and choose close. You can use Alt-Tab to naviguate between windows.

Note : Slow computers will read flashes even slower!

Future : I will try to do a style for the "pop-in" way to open flashes but this is a lot more difficult. Newgrounds - Full screen video by Webb@userstyles does that but is not complete (margins problems and lack of the usefull x button).

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