Classic Fark v3.1

Added by sendBIE@userstyles, Created: Apr 25, 2007, Updated: May 14, 2007
With the style applied


*v3.1: They changed up the CSS, so this went all wonky. Here's a fix. 5/14/07*

Just adding some more onto this one, I believe it was originally posted by TheEndless and added to by Mr Guy (mad props for saving my eyes, you guys!). It hopefully restores some more elements of classic Fark. Should work for both TF/Lite pages.

I'm a total CSS illiterate, my entire programming education has consisted of two quarters of Java, so it is very likely this is sucky and buggy. But hell, I like it.

Flames, kudos, bugs, suggestions, BIE/WIE (okay, maybe not WIE - maybe) go to uncreativenickname at gmail dot com.

Applies to:,

Related styles:

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