This style was deleted by its author, nerdywhiteguy@userstyles

nerdywhiteguy@userstyles deleted this style

Try Gmail - Mini instead of this deleted style.

See other styles

Google Wave - Dark

Added by nerdywhiteguy@userstyles, Created: Dec 21, 2009, Updated: Jan 09, 2010
No screenshot


Turns the white background of most things black. Also expands the contents of waves in the wave listing so that you can read more of it.

Since Wave is still in preview, expect that things will change. Fortunately, it seems that there has only been -one- two major internal rewrites, so it hopefully wont happen much. ^_^ I'll try to keep this up to date, but I can't make any guarantees.

I hope to re-add some cool shadowing effects that I took out to make the style not as garbled, and as an effort to keep the original feel. I hope to re-add them at a later date.

There's nothing like posting a style to get you to work on it. ^_^
2009/12/22: Now incorporates System scrollbars for Google Wave with one extra tweak. Kudos, garrett@userstyles.
2009/12/23: Attachment icons placed better.
2009/12/28: Some work done on the annoying white-on-light buttons.
2010/01/08: Fixed after lots of class names changed. More work on buttons.

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