- Neoboards Font [New Site Design]

Added by Fuzio@userstyles, Created: May 25, 2007, Updated: May 26, 2007
With the style applied


I spend a lot of time in the HC (Help Chat) on the Neoboards, and if you're like me, you are sick and tired of seeing people use ALL CAPS or StIcKy CaPs when creating boards.

This turns everything within the Neoboard tables to all lowercase, to save our eyes from bleeding.

UPDATE: Other options are to make everything uppercase or make every word start with a capital letter. If you would like to do either of these, simply change the text-transform: lowercase !important; to say uppercase or capitalize, in place of 'lowercase'.

I'm glad people are installing this and finding it useful. (:

If there's anything I've missed or should add, please let me know! ^^

Applies to:

Related styles:

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