4chan Dark Compact

Added by moncojhr@userstyles, Created: Feb 10, 2010, Updated: Mar 13, 2010
With the style applied


Updated so it mostly works fine with the 4chan extension as requested by mrflakes, ill use the extension for awhile, be nice to swap to something dark... instead of the hard red/blue... but cant be bothered to find a good way to do it

UPDATE: Changed so you can see post numbers, update to remove shitty red text, and added textbox at the top! Fixed a bunch of other shit too

So i got stylish... and made this...

At the moment the post box is invisible, if anyone actually likes this ill either make the post box display at the top or make it float off to the right...

I started based on 4chan /b/ - Cleaned up and Dark

Updated Screenshot: http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/4552/screenshotgtechnologymo.png
Screenshot: http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/5459/screenshotbrandommozilll.png

Applies to:
4chan.org, http://www.4chan.org/framesnav, http://www.4chan.org/

Related styles:

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