about.com - Confine Images

Added by bitpicker@userstyles, Created: Feb 12, 2010, Updated: Feb 13, 2010
No screenshot


In about.com forums it is possible to use CSS to make anchored elements, usually pictures, break out visually from the message box and have them overlay other parts of the page or even all of it. This can be used for all kinds of mischievous purposes, using the images as links to other places.

With this little script the CSS features allowing this get reset, so that the picture should stay confined to its message. It also restricts the size of the anchor to 500 x 500 pixels, so it doesn't break the page layout anymore.

This does not remove any malicious links, so you still shouldn't click the image. The script can be toggled on and off to check whether something is wrong, and guides and moderators at least are advised to keep it switched off until necessary, or else they might not notice what is going on on their forums.

Applies to:

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