This style was deleted by its author, murtaza64@userstyles

murtaza64@userstyles deleted this style

Try BonusLevel GREYSCALE instead of this deleted style.

See other styles

BonusLevel Multicolored

Added by murtaza64@userstyles, Created: Feb 13, 2010, Updated: Apr 06, 2010
No screenshot


I can't believe I did this! Another Gecko theme alteration. I used Paint.NET to get the HEX codes. Plus I used Notepad++ for some of the coding, and to encode the base64 for the image, even though I didn't use it :/

New Classes:


[class=invisible]invisible[/class]INVISIBLE TEXT!
successful invisible text.




[class=repeat]repeat (when admins or anyone says something many times. to emphasize point.)[/class]


[class=lt]lt(line through)[/class]


[class=sc]sc(small caps)[/class]


Applies to:

Related styles:

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