Best Facebook *Many Mods* *2 Columns* (13/6/10)

Added by Browno@userstyles, Created: Feb 20, 2010, Updated: Aug 26, 2010
With the style applied


This is what this does:
Stylises the nav bar
Makes the nav bar stay stationary
Makes the improved sidebar stay stationary.
Removes all adverts
Aligns chat to the left
Removes the right panel, puts it on the left
Two column layout,
Adds drop shadows
Blink on Notification recieved
Rounds the top edges.

To improve the style further, I recommend using AdBlock element hider to remove the Facebook Chat friends list on the left hand side, or use RiP. - or use the Facebook filters for AdBlock plus -

You may have to adjust two sections, depending on your screen size!

These are:
.fbDock {
display: -moz-box !important;
position: fixed !important;
left: 121px !important;
'left:121px may need to be adjusted according to your screen size, make it all align t

Applies to:,

Related styles:

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