BatchBook: New Design

Added by bjendrick@userstyles, Created: Feb 27, 2010, Updated: Mar 03, 2010
With the style applied


Inspired by the upcoming new design of BatchBook seen here (, I thought to put something together modifying the existing site until they launch the new design. Feel free to submit suggestions or requests as this was put together quickly & the entire site hasn't been scoured for adjustments.

• Added icons for footer screencast & FAQ items.
• Altered white for right side boxes to softer tone.
• Blanked out background on H4 items. (Right side sections with grey divider lines.)
• Adjusted H4 again to account for other page transparency.

• Updated body background color.
• Included affiliations & activity log sections in styles.
• Included capsule actions from new sections.
• Included quick add sections that were missed.
• Altered dashboard capsuleHeaders back to #eee.
• Subtle change of sidebar color to blue hue from lav

Applies to:

Related styles:

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