This style was deleted by its author, TheThunder@userstyles

TheThunder@userstyles deleted this style

Try FTP - Ikon, font and colour change instead of this deleted style.

See other styles - Adblock + Modified menu

Added by TheThunder@userstyles, Created: Jun 08, 2007, Updated: Jun 18, 2008
No screenshot


- Removes ads
- Modified menu

Updated 16 Jun: Some ads didn't got blocked, that's fixed.
Updated 19 Jun: Changed type of ad under the logo, that's fixed.
Updated 20 Jun: Fixed the url (Forum got effected)
Updated 27 Jun: Css code updated to a cleaner version and I got rid of the ugly "Annons" headling and the white space under the logo.
Updated 13 July: Right ads gone again.
Updated 30 July: Design on webpage changed and now all ads are gone. Modified style on menu have now been added.
Updated 27 Oct: Some ads and "Senaste trådar, Senaste svar" under forum is gone.
Updated 11 Nov: Better ads remove code: table[width="840"]>tbody>tr>td>img[src*="block"],
Updated 17 May: Some ads
Updated 18 July: Some ads again

Applies to:,

Related styles:

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