- more from CSS, less semantic mess

Added by mr.fye@userstyles, Created: Mar 29, 2010, Updated: Mar 31, 2010
With the style applied


I liked the design at so much that I had to look at how it was accomplished. I was a bit appalled to see seven h1 tags interspersing themselves among the navigation. Wowzer. I thought I'd see what it'd be like to use the content generation features of CSS to recreate the stylish goodness without the redundant content. So these styles smash the non-semantic h1s to smithereens (display:none) and then use :before pseudo-selectors to generate that stuff back in. That way you can even customize the pretty rainbow headline text. It's like candy.

No screenshots. I'm mostly going for the same look. I did make some type-related tweaks but nothing major (mainly trying get some serif in there and bringing up the size of the text that's for reading. I also (appropriately) made the hit areas of the navigation much larger.

Congrats to Alex Suraci of for the concept. It's fun. I'm sure he could have imagined doing it this way himself but it's likely less x-browser this way a

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