qj.net Simplified and Cleaned

Added by Tomokatsu@userstyles, Created: Jun 19, 2007, Updated: Jun 20, 2007
With the style applied


This is my first attempt to create a user style from the ground up, so comments are appreciated!
This was made to hopefully clean up the website design on one of the many "*.qj.net" websites (the screenshot shows the PSP Updates portion of the site (http://pspupdates.qj.net) but it should be applicable on any of the other sections). I had thought about completely removing the middle column (nested in with the articles) but I choose to simply move it, and hide all of the portions except for the search functions which I moved to the top of the left column (whilst adjusting the heights of all of the columns). I recommend using AdBlock Plus, but even without the extension, this css should remove the ads (including those annoying intellitext tooltip ones).

Finally, I tried to widen the article's text area to fill the empty space, but it is limited by the way the QJ.net pages are created on the server end. The div that surrounds the content is dynamically created, and each has a dif

Applies to:

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