Dictionary.com - permanent IPA pronounciation

Added by Tomasz Gandor@userstyles, Created: Apr 07, 2010, Updated: Apr 08, 2010
With the style applied


The http://dictionary.reference.com is an utterly useful website.

I personally have a "search keyword" - special kind of bookmark, which allows me to enter "d some_word" into the Location Bar and it takes me straight to the definition. To make it - open the page, right-click the search input on the page and choose something like "create search keyword".

But to the point - IPA is The Standard! Maybe some native speakers like the "spelled pronunciation" but I personally find it "awk-werd" (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/awkward).

Well, this style will hide the "spelled" ciphertext and show IPA by default. The switches are hidden.

You can use this style together with others (ad-removal etc.) - I didn't care for advertisements, because other tools do this job better (I won't mention names).

P.S. Polecam - wymowa jak w słowniku zamiast dziwacznych tekstów, które mogą tylko zmylić obcokrajowca.

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