deviantART Dark Friends Menu

Added by Artiantil@userstyles, Created: May 09, 2010, Updated: Apr 29, 2012
With the style applied


The friends menu didn't really fit in with v7, so I darkened it and matched the color scheme with the rest of the colors in the top bar. Obviously there are some limitations and it's not a perfect fit, but I hope that it looks at least slightly more cohesive with the rest of the site.

If there are any errors, please leave a comment. I don't use deviantART often anymore, so bugs may go unnoticed for a while without a heads up. :)

More info

~Sunday, April 29, 2012~

+Bug fixed that caused duplicate online/offline sections:

There's a bug with the deviantART friends menu that causes the online/offline sections to appear twice. Oddly, it was deviantART's fault, not mine. I hid the duplicates, and if deviantART fixes the bug, then delete the section under "/*Duplicate Fix*/". If the duplicates are somehow intended functionality, then you should also delete that same section to fix it.

~Thursday, September 23rd 2010~

-Bug Fix

~Wednesday, September 22nd 2010~

-Bug Fixes

-The "Manage Friends" button is no longer an image so it doesn't take a second to load.

-Increased font size on the "Online" and "Offline" headers.

~Monday, May 10th 2010~

+Darkened the overall color scheme.

+Added a header to the online and offline portions of the menu.

+Made the menu longer and wider so it's easier to read.

+Gruzified the "Manage Friends" button.

Applies to:

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